

I've just received my beautiful, two-inch-wide, Give Fascism The Finger button from CafePress, and it's now proudly displayed on my backpack. Got yours yet?

My next Physics exam is a week from today and I've got to make sure I know all about capacitors and inductors by then. Posting will be light to moderate. There's a ton of stuff I want to write about and I won't be able to get to all of it, but this blog won't come to a standstill either.

I've ordered an upgrade for my 17" PowerBook, which should be coming in within the next week. That'll allow me to get more done, faster and more easily. Also I'm focusing on sharpening up my computer skills because I am going to try to get into the IT line of work this year; so that means I'll be reading up on workplace applications like Excel and PowerPoint, learning the ropes of my OS X and Win XP systems, and maybe getting to know a thing or two about HTML and Unix. We'll see how it goes.