His name intrigues people, his story inspires them.
Introducing 'Doctor' Abio Ayeliya, 23, an Eastern Oregon University freshman from Ghana.
His is a story of perseverance and the selfless concern of a former teacher Izaak Edvalson, a 1998 graduate of EOU.
Ayeliya attends Eastern because Edvalson, a former teacher in the Peace Corps, has given him the chance of a lifetime. Edvalson donated $15,000 of his own money and has raised another $10,000 to cover Ayeliya's first two years of expenses at Eastern.
It is a remarkable story, one that started when Edvalson met Ayeliya while working in the Peace Corps in Ghana from 1999 to 2001. There, in the northern village of Chiana, Edvalson received the type of attention he was not used to.
As a teacher Edvalson was bothered by students who were constantly asking him for things. They did so because they think Americans have everything, Edvalson said.
Villagers nicknamed him Wolongope. Translation: the greedy chief.
Ayeliya was among those who came around. However, he was different. ...
Read the rest here: Club Ghana.
Then go here: Wolongope.