
Morning Report: 2024-07-24

<i>'Not that this is all that weird, except for the fact that it has all the appearance of a palace coup. As in, one does wonder if Biden knows he dropped out of his campaign. One does wonder, at that, if Biden is alive, or sufficiently compus mentis to know that he has dropped out. And that’s if he knew he was running in the first place, which one very much doubts.

Some people on Twitter are horrified that someone other than Joe Biden is obviously acting as president. I want to scream, vomit, laugh and hit my head on the wall. First of all, if they don’t think that’s been happening since 2020 they are such wishful thinkers they’re not even in this reality. Second, apparently they’re horrified because the people running the country “weren’t elected” which implies they think Joe Biden WAS elected. Despite the campaign run from the basement, which no one would do unless they were SURE they could win, and the only way to be sure was to have it fraud-locked in place; despite the obviously and clearly hackable voting machines; despite the kicked out poll observers, despite the glaring mathematical impossibility of the vote count; despite the way the democrats acted immediately after, like they were afraid the American people would catch on and tear them limb from limb. Despite all this, these people believed. Because they wanted to believe. ...'</i>

<i>'President Joe Biden is not yesterday’s man, or even the day-before-yesterday’s man. That will be the core message when he addresses the nation on Wednesday night barely three days after he exited the 2024 race for the White House and allowed Vice President Kamala Harris to be anointed as the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee.

It is only the fourth Oval Office of his presidency overall – and could well be his last – as he seeks to retain any symbol of relevancy possible in his last months of office.'</i>

COMMENTARY.  The next six months are going to be interesting, that's for sure.  The elites, the technocrats, the governing class are losing control of the narrative.  They want us all to believe their opposition is few in number and isolated, but we know that's not true.  They will continue using the magic tricks of the media to sustain this illusion, but the small, puny man behind the curtain has already been exposed.  The 2020 "election"?  Go ahead and believe Joe Biden won a free and fair election if it makes you happy; you can believe in Santa Claus for all I care.  But I know what I know.