
Whose children?

 "You don't own your children - WE DO" is what the left is really saying.

It is the logical conclusion of the collectivism that starts with economics and ends with all aspects of society and human relationships.  It is rewarding incompetence, mediocrity, and failure at the expense of those who are successful.

The left cannot defend their ideas and values in open discourse, and they know it.  They cannot tolerate competition.  Their only solution is to eliminate the competing model that shows up their socialist agenda for the monstrous failure that it is.

Raising a child - or caring for any family member or close relationship - requires commitment, time, and experience.  It takes investment, direct knowledge, and accountability.  You need to learn the individual's needs, and how to meet those needs, over time, with a great deal of trial and error.  There is no shortcut.  This is what you get in a familial relationship, and it is what no institution can ever provide.

Conversely, blurring or erasing those lines of commitment and accountability serves only the interests of those who wish to hide their own failures and frauds.  It is all about obfuscation.