
Morning Report: 2023-01-30

 ISRAEL:  Neve Yaakov attack victims remembered.

 Arutz Sheva

Asher Natan, aged 14, was the youngest of the victims.  Shaul Chai, aged 68, was the gabbai (sexton) of the Zechor L'Avraham synagogue in Pisgat Zeev. Irina Korolova was an Ukrainian citizen who immigrated to Israel six years ago and worked in the neighborhood. Raphael Ben Eliyahu, another victim, was 56 years of age. Eli and Natali Mizrahi, aged 48 and 45, were also murdered in the attack, when they left their home to try and help the victims. The seventh victim was 26-year-old Ilya Sosnaski.

COVID:  Project Veritas sting captures Pfizer exec discussing "mutating" virus.

Project Veritas on Rumble

COMMENTARY:  John Woods on election integrity.

An Irregular Thinker: A cheater has no authority.

We as free born American citizens have the right to question our government , our elected officials, and the faceless bureaucrats who enable the progressives to maintain a hold on power.

There has been many discussions and speculation, that for years and specifically in 2020 and 2022 that there was large scale cheating, people who didn’t win the election but were cheated in, through ballot manipulations or phantom voters. I cannot prove conclusively that cheating happened, but like smelling smoke I can say that somewhere there is a fire burning. With this information I can say strongly to our Oregon Democrat politicians “Since you cannot prove that you were not cheated into office, your authority and presentation of laws and bills are suspect at best. “

Until I know that your election was legitimate and honest, I will treat you as a usurper....

Read the rest at the link.