
Source Bias Checklist

  1. Internal consistency.
  2. External consistency.
  3. Dialog and dissent.
  4. Awareness of objections.
  5. Snarl words and purr words.
  6. Implicit bias.
  7. Narrative.
  8. Red herrings and straw men.
  9. Fallacies.
  10. Psychological factors.
  11. Source's experiences, perspective, perceptions.
  12. Debts and favors.
  13. Medium is the message.
  14. The human voice.
  15. Encourage anonymous sources to go on the record.
  16. Judge source's reliability and disclose potential biases.
  17. More specificity is better.
  18. Do not rely on anonymous sources for sensational reports.
  19. Source must have first-hand knowledge.
  20. Do not lie to protect a source.
  21. What is the source's ideological orientation?
  22. What are the source's financial interests?