
Lesbian veteran speaks out.

"Take it from somebody who is gay - me. ... Trump is not going to mess with gay rights. He's not going to touch gay rights. Everything that me and my generation fought for - and like-minded individuals are also voting for Trump ... we fought for this. I served in the military during Don't Ask Don't Tell. I actually lived in a time when my orientation was oppressed. I don't care to shove it down other people's throats, I don't care to live behind that, because that is not my identity. I want to live my life in peace, and be left alone. Those of you that are shoving all these pronouns down people's throats, you're creating a problem. For those of us that actually fought for gay rights - you're creating a problem. Because all we wanted was to be treated just like any other American. And given the same rights. Guess what, we got that. That's why we're quiet. That's why we don't run our mouths. But y'all? Y'all are making us look bad." This is a woman who kows the difference between real discrimination, and a phony victim narrative that's being used to foster a sense of entitlement.