
Morning Report: 2024-08-13

ISRAEL: TISHA B'AV - ARUTZ SHEVA. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/394512 'Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, is a day of mourning for the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians in 586 BCE and the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 CE, both of which took place on this day. The destruction of the Holy Temple was accompanied by the destruction of the Jewish kingdoms that had existed in the Land of Israel at those times and the exiling of the majority of the Jewish population.' CANADA: ANTI-SEMITIC ARSONS IN TORONTO - THE REBEL. https://www.rebelnews.com/three_days_four_antisemitic_arsons_in_toronto A school bus, a Jewish school, and two synagogues burned in three days. Ezra Levant: 'I’m pretty sure we know who’s doing these antisemitic crimes. Because during the day, we see hundreds, sometimes thousands, of pro-Hamas, antisemitic extremists marching through the streets — not just in Toronto, but across the country.' UK: MIGRANT SENTENCED TO 3 MONTHS AFTER HATE CRIME HOAX - ANDY NGO. https://x.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1823043885050012030 'A migrant has been sentenced to 3 months in prison in Derbyshire, England after making a hoax live stream pretending to be attacked by the far-right during last week's "100 far-right riots" hoax. In his video, the man screamed and claimed far-right rioters were chasing him. ...' UK: 'MUSLIM PATROL' ATTACKS - ANDY NGO. 'A pub in Birmingham, England was attacked and terrorized by a mob of masked "Muslim patrol" militants after they marched around the city looking for accused white supremacist "Islamophobes" to beat.'


US / Israel: Kirby and Smotrich have words.

“I even saw one claim today, again by Mr. Smotrich, suggesting that the mediators of this deal, which includes the United States, would impose, quote, ‘a surrender agreement on Israel.’ He's saying this as President Biden is actually directing the United States military to the Middle East to directly defend Israel against a potential attack from Iran or other Iranian backed terrorist groups,” said Kirby. He added that Biden “is fully prepared to defend Israel yet again, with the United States military, and again, this is the second time that he will have done this in four months. The idea that he would support a deal that leaves Israel's security at risk, It's outrageous. And anybody knows President Biden and how staunchly he's been a defender for Israel for the entire day of his public service, ought to be ashamed of thinking simply put the views being taken against this agreement ... ”
"Look at all we've done for you!" Kirby is saying. He is explicitly telling the Israelis that Israel should become dependent on the United States for its defense, which of course would be contingent on Washington's good will. What's in the agreement that got Kirby so defensive? Well ...
"You have to read it to believe it, and above all to understand the distorted and dangerous starting point of those who are pressuring us to stop the war and surrender. The ‘mediators’ actually wrote in their announcement yesterday that ‘the time has come to conclude the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the release of the hostages and prisoners’ while creating a delusional symmetry between the Israeli hostages - men, women and children - who were kidnapped from their beds with terrible cruelty, and despicable terrorists who murdered Jews and are serving their sentences for it in prisons," said Smotrich.

Will Iran attack Israel?

Or will Israel attack Iran? https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/article-813765
“We are prepared both defensively and offensively,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated during a visit Wednesday to the IDF induction base at Tel Hashomer.

How to help?

We want to help others, and it's good that we do. But how to help? Sometimes the answer is simple: if a person is starving, you give them food; if they're drowning, you throw them a life preserver; if they're in a burning building, you bring them out. I am not claiming that these things are easy - clearly, it takes great courage to rush into a burning building - but there is nothing difficult about knowing what the person needs. You know immediately what's the right thing to do - you just have to do it. In the real world, knowing how to help is often more difficult and complicated. What is the right kind of help, and what is the wrong kind? How much help is enough, and how much is too much? Perhaps you see an elderly or disabled person carrying a bag of groceries, and you want to help. But maybe they are suspicious of your intentions; or maybe the person is very proud, or has worked hard to overcome a disability, and prefers to be independent. How do you know? You might have to pay close attention to the person's reaction as you offer to help - their words, their tone, their facial expressions, their body language - to be sure that your help is really wanted. For the government bureaucrat, every problem is a problem for the government to solve, by "some sort of collective action": changes to public transit, changes to building codes, and hey, why not a "basic income" while we're at it? Every one of these proposed courses of action ("some sort of collective action") implies some sort of public policy change - to transit, to building codes, or to the economy itself. Each one of those changes entails something that will impose costs on someone else (transit riders, shopkeepers, the working population), and (not coincidentally) accrues more power to the party imposing the changes. Conversely, what is lost in the "collective action" approach is the knowledge of the particulars - the granular, mundane, local knowledge of THIS individual in THIS situation in THIS place and time - that is essential to assessing the person's specific needs.


Lesbian veteran speaks out.

"Take it from somebody who is gay - me. ... Trump is not going to mess with gay rights. He's not going to touch gay rights. Everything that me and my generation fought for - and like-minded individuals are also voting for Trump ... we fought for this. I served in the military during Don't Ask Don't Tell. I actually lived in a time when my orientation was oppressed. I don't care to shove it down other people's throats, I don't care to live behind that, because that is not my identity. I want to live my life in peace, and be left alone. Those of you that are shoving all these pronouns down people's throats, you're creating a problem. For those of us that actually fought for gay rights - you're creating a problem. Because all we wanted was to be treated just like any other American. And given the same rights. Guess what, we got that. That's why we're quiet. That's why we don't run our mouths. But y'all? Y'all are making us look bad." This is a woman who kows the difference between real discrimination, and a phony victim narrative that's being used to foster a sense of entitlement.


Morning Report: 2024-08-02



The aptly-named Ismail al-Ghoul was eliminated in a joint IDF / Shin Bet operation.




'Israel killed Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 30. Israeli agents appeared to have launched an explosively laden drone or missile from inside Iran to target Haniyeh, who was visiting for the inauguration of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian. Haniyeh was staying at a facility with the IRGC Quds Force in northern Tehran.[1] The killing of Haniyeh reflects the degree to which Israel has infiltrated the Iranian security sector and is able to strike high-value targets within Iran. Hamas responded to the killing by calling on Middle Eastern countries to “deter” and “rein in” Israel.[2] Hamas also threatened to expand the war against Israel to ”new dimensions.”[3]'

The ISW article refers to a "drone or missile" but other reports are suggesting the strike was done with a bomb planted in Haniyeh's quarters as much as two months in advance.




'One of Hamas’ longest-serving and most influential leaders, Chairman of the Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh, was targeted and killed on Tuesday in Tehran while in town to attend the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s new president. Hamas referred to Haniyeh as the “head of the movement,” the man who represented the Palestinian terrorist group as its public face in high-profile negotiations and gatherings around the world—including ongoing and stalled ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel.'



The 27-year-old woman was found with 20 stab and slash wounds, many in the back of her neck and head, but then-AG Josh Shapiro backed up the "suicide" ruling favored by the Philadelphia Police and DA Office.