Neither chaos nor randomness is implicit in uncontrolled
circumstances. In a virgin forest, the flora and fauna are not
distributed chaotically or randomly. ... It is a systemically determined
outcome with a pattern, not chaos.
- Thomas Sowell, 'Intellectuals and Society', p. 60
is this hierarchy organized - a structure that emerged in large part
from the bottom up, over the vast spans of evolutionary time? We return
to the same answer alluded to earlier: through the constant
cooperation and competition - the constant jockeying for resources and
position - defining the struggle for survival and reproduction. ...
Negotiation for position sorts organisms into the omnipresent
hierarchies that govern access to vital resources such as shelter,
nourishment, and mates.
- Jordan B. Peterson, 'Beyond Order', p. 13
and communities that practice successful strategies will, over time,
out-perform those that do not. In human society, this means negotiating
the exchange of what you have to offer for what you need from others -
day after day, iteratively, throughout the course of life.