
Our Enemies Are Scared.

The degenerate cowards that captured Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun are now realizing they made the mistake of their lives. Now they are frantically trying to deny their earlier boast that they killed him. "No, no, he's OK, we didn't mean that."

"On Sunday, another group, Ansar al-Sunna, denied reports that Hassoun had been beheaded.

"This statement quoting us is baseless, and it's not true at all," the militant group Ansar al-Sunna said in a statement posted on its Web site." - CNN report

So now they think capturing a fellow Arab, a fellow Muslim, and a US Marine wasn't the brightest thing in the world to do? Well, who would have thought that. Guess it kinda makes it a little harder for them to claim this is a "war on Islam", right? Guess it kinda makes them look bad to advertise to the world that there are brave and honorable Muslims in the world after all - and it sure ain't them.

Well, guys, you're a little late with those insights. 'Cuz you just dug your own graves.