
Movement to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Gains Momentum

Edge, New York City:
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Four additional Congressional lawmakers have signed on as co-sponsors of legislation to repeal the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban on lesbian, gay and bisexual service personnel in recent days.

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, the group advocating for gays in the military, see that as a sign Congressional opposition to lifting the ban is eroding.

Republican Sherwood Boehlert of New York and Democrats Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, Julia Carson of Indiana and Michael Doyle of Pennsylvania have joined 110 others in Congress in calling for repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Boehlert is the fifth Republican co-sponsor and McKinney joins nine other members of the House Armed Services Committee who are also co-sponsors of the bill (H.R. 1059). In all, 114 Members of Congress now support the legislation, introduced in March 2005 by Rep. Marty Meehan, D-Mass. ...

A recent Pew poll indicates that some 62% of moderate Republicans favor allowing gay Americans to serve openly in the Armed Forces. Read the full article at the link.

Update on Diane Schroer

ACLU: Federal Court Rules Transgender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Library of Congress Can Proceed
CONTACT: media@aclu.org

A copy of the decision, the complaint, a bio and photographs of Diane Schroer are available at: www.aclu.org/caseprofiles
WASHINGTON, DC -- Today a federal judge found that an employment discrimination lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a transgender veteran against the Library of Congress can go forward.

"I couldn't understand how the country that I had risked my life for could believe that it was ok to rescind its job offer to me solely because I'm transgender," said Diane Schroer, a 25-year veteran of the U.S. Army. "Today's decision begins to restore my faith in our government."

Finding that sex may not be "a cut-and-dried matter of chromosomes," the court ruled that federal protections against sex discrimination may also protect transgender people who are discriminated against based on their gender identity. In rejecting the government's argument that discrimination against transgender people is not sex discrimination, the court noted "the factual complexities that underlie human sexual identity. These complexities stem from real variations in how the different components of biological sexuality -- chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal, and neurological -- interact with each other, and in turn, with social, psychological, and legal conceptions of gender."

The court held that given these complexities, it may be that federal law prohibits discrimination against transgender people because it is a form of sex discrimination, pure and simple. The court will rule on that question in the case after evidence about the nature of gender and gender identity is developed. ...

I previously posted on Diane Schroer in this lavender alert. She is a veteran of the Army Rangers who applied for a position as a terrorism analyst with the Library of Congress. As the ACLU release explains,
Soon thereafter she was offered the job, which she accepted immediately. Prior to starting work, Schroer took her future boss to lunch to explain that she was in the process of transitioning and thought it would be easier for everyone if she simply started work presenting as female. The following day, Schroer received a call from her future boss rescinding the offer, telling her that she wasn't a "good fit" for the Library of Congress.

What's especially noteworthy about this case is that the federal court has recognized a connection between "sex discrimination" as it's traditionally defined, and gender discrimination as it applies to this case. It will be interesting to see how this develops. Keep reading Dreams Into Lightning for updates.

Related post:
Lavender Alert - June 14, 2005

Nigeria: Government Seeks "Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act"

Via Black Looks:
This came through on Friday evening via Human Rights Watch - will publish more in the next few days. Meanwhile:

President Olusegun Obasanjo has written the National Assembly urging the parliament to ban same sex marriage or homosexuality in the country.
The President’s letter was read on the floor of the House of Representatives by the Deputy Speaker of the House, Hon Austin Opara, who presided over yesterday’s plenary session.
The letter introduced to the House an executive Bill seeking to ban same sex relationship in the country. It was entitled “Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006”.
Opara said while announcing the receipt of the letter to the members at the commencement of yesterday’s proceedings that the President urges the National Assembly to give expeditious consideration and passage to the bill. “This is because the problem has become topical and embarrassing in recent times”. ...

Black Looks homepage
Human Rights Watch

HRW: Letter to Obasanjo
March 22, 2006

Dear President Obasanjo,

As human rights organizations based in Nigeria, on the African continent, and internationally, we write with deep concern over a proposed bill that would introduce criminal penalties for relationships and marriage ceremonies between persons of the same sex as well as for public advocacy or associations supporting the rights of lesbian and gay people. The legislation proposed by Minister of Justice Bayo Ojo not only contravenes internationally recognized protections against discrimination, as well as the basic rights to freedom of expression, conscience, association, and assembly, but also undermines Nigeria’s struggle to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Proposed law violates fundamental freedoms under the Nigerian Constitution

The broad and sweeping provisions of this proposed legislation could lead to the imprisonment of individuals solely for their actual or imputed sexual orientation in a number of ways, including for consensual sexual relations in private, advocacy of lesbian and gay rights, or public expression of their sexual identity. Anyone imprisoned under this law would be a prisoner of conscience. We urge you to disavow this proposal which contradicts fundamental freedoms under the Nigerian Constitution, international human rights law and standards, including the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. ...

Full text, with list of signatories, at the link. See also: Obasanjo Must Withdraw Bill to Criminalize Gay Rights

Log Cabin News

Log Cabin Republicans news release, via e-mail:
Log Cabin Convention Will Feature Lobby Day and Chapter Training

The 2006 Log Cabin National Convention will feature a first of its kind opportunity for our grassroots members to meet with their members of Congress. This provides an important opportunity for Log Cabin members from across the country to engage in constructive dialogue with GOP members of the U.S. House and Senate. Dozens of chapter leaders, national board members, and grassroots members will be lobbying Congress on the afternoon of Thursday April 27th. Please send us an e-mail if you're interested in participating in the Lobby Day.

In addition to the lobby day, Log Cabin is hosting a grassroots training session on April 27th. This year's retreat will include training on effective lobbying, grassroots organizing, and event planning. This event provides valuable programming designed to improve chapter effectiveness and a chance to discuss strategy with other Log Cabin leaders. Anyone registered for the convention is welcome to attend. Learn more.

The Log Cabin National Convention and Liberty Education Forum National Symposium has an impressive list of speakers including former U.S. Senator John Danforth (R-MO), Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD), Former Governor Jane Swift (R-MA), noted conservative Andrew Sullivan, Bishop Gene Robinson, Jonathan Rauch, and many others. Aside from the compelling speakers and panel discussions, the weekend features lots of fun parties and receptions. See a detailed agenda.

The cost to register for Log Cabin's 2006 National Convention increases $50 on March 31st, so please sign up soon. Plus, convention hotels are filling up fast so you'll want to reserve your space today. Register now! Find out information about becoming a VIP convention sponsor. We'll see you in DC!

LCR National Convention registration
Log Cabin's Legal Challenge of Don't Ask, Don't Tell Moving Forward

In 2004, Log Cabin initiated a federal court challenge to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) policy on behalf of its members in the Armed Forces, who are serving in silence. These brave heroes deserve the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Last week, the court ruled on the government's motion to dismiss Log Cabin's complaint. The court did not make any decision on the constitutional law issues raised by the complaint. Instead, the court's opinion focuses on the government's argument that the Log Cabin lacks standing to sue. Although Log Cabin's complaint alleged that its membership includes current and former members of the armed forces injured by the policy, the court agreed with the government and found these allegations insufficient. The court did not dismiss the case, however, and allows us to amend our complaint. The judge wants the amended complaint to identify, by name, at least one Log Cabin member injured by the policy.

Log Cabin leaders are consulting with our attorneys on the case to decide the next step for moving forward with the lawsuit. Log Cabin is greatly encouraged by the District Court's refusal to grant the government's motion to dismiss the challenge on the merits. That means Log Cabin's constitutional arguments about the constitutionality of DADT have strong merit. This decision serves only to bolster our commitment to overturning the Don't Ask, Don't Tell. ...

Gay Republicans in California Running for Office

Nine openly gay Republicans, including several Log Cabin members, have announced plans to run for public office in California. They're building on past success in the Golden State to make progress in building an inclusive GOP. .

William Chan of Sacramento (Assembly District 9)
Ralph Denney from San Diego (Assembly District 76)
Brenda Green of Los Angeles (Assembly District 48)
Peter Hankwitz of Los Angeles is challenging incumbent Democrat Brad Sherman in the 27th Congressional District
Mark Patrosso from the Silicon Valley (Assembly District 23)
Eric Siddall from Los Angeles is running for the State Board of Equalization (District 4)
Steven Sion of West Hollywood (Assembly District 42)
Charel Winston from the Silicon Valley is running against Democrat Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren in the state's 16th Congressional District
"I'm very proud we have so many openly gay Republicans running for office in California," said Jeff Bissiri, Log Cabin's California Director. "We appreciate their willingness to step forward as advocates for common sense GOP values. Their efforts will continue increasing Log Cabin's influence in the state Republican Party."

Full text at the link.

Log Cabin Republicans homepage


US Strike on Iran "Inevitable" - Telegraph

The Telegraph:
The Government is to hold secret talks with defence chiefs tomorrow to discuss possible military strikes against Iran.

A high-level meeting will take place in the Ministry of Defence at which senior defence chiefs and government officials will consider the consequences of an attack on Iran.

It is believed that an American-led attack, designed to destroy Iran's ability to develop a nuclear bomb, is "inevitable" if Teheran's leaders fail to comply with United Nations demands to freeze their uranium enrichment programme. ...

BBC: Ministry of Defence denies meeting.
Reports that military officers will meet government officials on Monday to discuss possible US-led military action against Iran have been denied.
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said there was no truth whatsoever in the claims, made in the Sunday Telegraph.

BBC Defence Correspondent Paul Wood said US plans for a possible strike are thought to be at an advanced stage.

But US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the US was "committed" to dealing with Iran diplomatically. ...

DEBKAfile’s military sources report: British generals will examine Iran’s successful test of a Fajr-3 multiple warhead missile that can reach Israel, that was carried out undetected by US or Israel radar Friday, March 31. It was launched on the first day of a large-scale Iranian exercise in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Those sources add that the Israeli Arrow anti-missile system has no answer for multiple warhead ballistic missiles.

The US hopes for a multinational military operation to destroy Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear bomb - if Tehran fail to comply with the UN security council demand to freeze uranium enrichment. But British defense chiefs believe that failing international support, the Bush administration would go it alone or with Israel’s assistance.

DEBKAfile adds: Last month, former Israel chief of staff Moshe Yaalon estimated that a strike of this kind would be phased, suggesting that each phase would be undertaken by a different armed force.

In Blackburn, northwest England, Saturday, US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice said all negotiating options including the use of force remained open for resolving the Iran crisis. ...

According to the Sunday Telegraph, British military chiefs believe an attack would be limited to a series of air strikes against nuclear plants rather than a land assault - tactical Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from US navy ships and submarines in the Gulf, followed by B2 stealth bombers equipped with 8 4,500lb enhanced BLU-28 satellite-guided bunker-busting bombs flying from Diego Garcia, the RAF base in Gloucestershire in the UK and Whiteman USAF base in Missouri.

Public service announcement.

Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tomorrow morning.

Also, remember to advance your calendar one day.

Portland Spotlight: Plus Ultra Team on the News, Powell's Does the Right Thing

News release, via e-mail:
I am writing to announce that I, Tracy Twyman, and my husband Brian Albert, the team behind Plus Ultra ( http://www.plusultrablog.com/ ) will be featured on the KATU-TV evening news tonight [April 1, 2006] in Portland, Oregon. That's Channel 2, the local ABC affiliate. It will play on the 5:00 news, and again on the replay 11:00 p.m.

They are tying the story in with one about Powell's Books, which has announced that they will happily carry the new issue of Free Inquiry Magazine, featuring the Mohammed cartoons, which Borders and Waldenbooks have refused to carry.

They shot pictures of the Mohammed cartoons, but then they consulted their producers for permission, and at the time we left the studio, it looked like they were probably not going to air them. I repeated several times in the interview that you can't tell the story without showing the cartoons, and the interviewer, Susan Harding, agreed with me, but I could tell that the person with the veto power did not. But we'll see what ends up in the final cut.

Also in the news: Powell's Books will carry magazine featuring Danish Mohammed cartoons. Via Oregon Live:
Borders Inc. raised book-business eyebrows Friday when the company confirmed it wouldn't stock a tiny magazine's current edition featuring the satirical cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that have enraged parts of the Muslim world.

But readers in Portland eager to sift through the April-May issue of Free Inquiry shouldn't have much trouble finding other outlets for the magazine -- unless they sell out. ...

Powell's Books plans to carry the magazine in its West Burnside Street store as usual. Rich's Cigar Store downtown and some outlets of the national chain Barnes & Noble also plan to stock it.

"I never like giving any offense, but the truth is that many of the books I stock have material that will offend somebody with something," said Powell's owner Michael Powell, who said he disagrees with Borders' decision. ...

Kudos to Mike Powell for stepping up to the plate; be sure you read the rest of Laura Gunderson's excellent article in OregonLive.

Powell's Books
Plus Ultra (Banned In Pakistan)

BREAKING NEWS: KATU runs “Plus Ultra Banned in Pakistan” as their top story.


Iran bulletin: IRI funds Nazi groups in Europe.

Islamic regime finances Nazi groups in Europe
SMCCDI (Information Service)
Mar 30, 2006

The Islamic regime has increased its financial help to several European Nazi and Far-Right groups, especially, in France, Germany and Austria. Thousands of Dollars and Euro have been already distributed in that line.

The money is being distributed by businessmen with links to some of Dubai's Import-Export circles which are working with the Islamic regime's Intelligence.

This policy intends to boost the regime's anti-Jewish propaganda and to show support of the regime's President and his denial of the Holocaust. It also targets the Iranian masses in an effort to persuade them on the validity of Ahmadinejad's claim which will look stronger with the presence of Europeans sharing his shameful view. [emphasis added - aa]

Does this come as a surprise to anyone?

[NOTE: At present I cannot independently verify this report from SMCCDI. I will post any corroborating or supporting information as it becomes available.]


Great post at Free Iran ...

AmirN eviscerates Charles A. Kupchan and Ray Takeyh in the International Herald Tribune.
Choice quotes:
First, the Iranian government is anything but nationalistic, and would destroy Iran to replace it with its own “Islamabad” if it could. Second, Iranians are currently either too busy trying to not starve to death, or getting high from drugs as an escape, or avoiding being thrown into prison and being tortured and killed to really care about having a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb is irrelevant to a people struggling to just stay afloat and dealing with constant torment and oppression from their own government. ...

The reason the mullahs have staying power is two-fold. First, they brutally and mercilessly oppress any opposition. Though effective in the short term, history has shown that its effect eventually diminishes and gets overwhelmed by a people who eventually reach a boiling point. Second, they have oil and money, which makes many of the world’s greedy nations – Russia, China, European nations, etc – want to continue to do business with and empower them. This too, will eventually be overcome, as the boiling point of the people will not be averted forever. It is a question of WHEN, not IF.

And the Mullahs “freed” nothing except their own “Willy,” which they have subsequently stuck up the backside of the Iranian nation and all of its citizens. ...

As far as the “Iranian moderates,” there is no such thing. The moderates are just the “good cops” in the “good cop, bad cop” routine. The moderates are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Save the “moderate” mumbo jumbo for the simpletons. ...

Now go read the whole thing at the link.



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Thanks to all who have visited.

Regime Change Iran

Just as a reminder, make sure you have Regime Change Iran bookmarked on your browser - and if you blog, be sure to link RCI on your sidebar. Regime Change Iran is the project of activist "Doctor Zin", and it's your one-stop shop for all the latest pro-Iranian news: everthing related to Iranian human rights, women's rights, democracy and freedom activism, and ... well, regime change. I read Regime Change Iran every day and you should, too.

Other Iran-related sites you won't want to miss:
Iran Focus
Free Iran message board
SOS Iran
Marze Por Gohar
PGLO - Persian Gay & Lesbian Organization

And finally, if you haven't done so yet, please take a moment to sign this petition:
True Security Begins with Regime Change in Iran


Pakistan: Aisha Parveen Fights Sex Slavery

Via The Killing Zone, the Daily Times (Pakistan) reports:
LAHORE: The courts in Khanpur are to soon decide the case of Aisha Parveen, 20, and the decision could mean life or death for her, reports the New York Times.

“Ms Parveen ... is steeling herself for a state-administered horror. Just two months after she escaped from the brothel in which she was tortured and imprisoned for six years, the courts are poised to hand her back to the brothel owner,” writes Nicholas D Kristof.

Parveen says she was 14 when she was hit on the head while walking to school in NWFP. She awoke to find herself imprisoned in a brothel hundreds of miles away, in the town of Khanpur.

Parveen fought back and refused to sleep with customers, but she says the brothel owner - Mian Sher - beat and sexually tortured her ...

Rantburg weighs in.

Don't forget to bookmark The Killing Zone (homepage) for the latest info on women in the Middle East and the Muslim world.